
Benefits of owning a dog

It's no wonder dogs are called "man's best friend". At PSH you can learn about the benefits of dog ownership and understand why dogs make great pets.

Advantages of owning a dog

Labrador puppy drinking water under a small table

There's nothing better than a long walk with your four-legged friend on a cool spring morning. Or seeing the joy on his face when you pick up a ball and he realizes it's time to go to the park to play! Even being at home is more relaxing in his company.

It is said, and it is absolutely true, that pets and dogs return the love given to them tenfold.

Before you rush out to get a dog, it's important to think it through. It can be hard work and it is a lifetime commitment, as your dog will be dependent on you for many years to come.

When you are sure you have the time and lifestyle that will allow you to have a dog, and after you have learned about the different breeds and personalities to find out which dogs make the best pets, it is time to learn about all the benefits of owning a dog.

Did you know that...?

Puppy watching his owner preparing a barbecue
  • Studies show that dog owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol than people who do not live with a dog, and are less likely to have minor or serious health problems.
  • Dog owners have a stronger immune system, which helps them stay well and spend less time overcoming illnesses and infections. In fact, those who own dogs tend to go to the doctor less often than those who don't, and are also less likely to need medication.
  • People recover faster from their ailments and even show a higher survival rate after a heart attack if they have a dog.
  • Children who have a furry friend miss less school due to illness.
  • Children with chronic illnesses often cope better with treatment if they have a canine companion.
  • Dogs provide us with a sense of emotional well-being through the unconditional love they give us; therefore, they are a great companion and comfort for people who live alone.
  • Owning a dog can help people recover from personal trauma, such as the loss of a loved one.
  • Living with a dog can help patients with mental disorders recover and feel better.
  • Taking your dog for regular walks helps you to improve your fitness and stay healthy!
  • When taking the dog for a walk it is common to meet other dog owners, so you can make friends at the same time as your dog.
  • The walks will offer you the valuable opportunity to disconnect from everything and spend some time with your faithful friend.

In addition to all these "serious" benefits, dogs are tremendous fun. They
can make you laugh, they are there at the end of a hard day, and they will almost always be at
hand for a reassuring hug when you need it.

Get more information on choosing the ideal dog.

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